1.) "maps" - the yeah yeah yeahs
2.) "i can't take it" - tegan and sara
3.) "the catch" - nyles lannen
4.) "re: stacks" - bon iver
5.) "postcards from italy" - beirut
6.) "california one youth and beauty" - the decemberists
7.) "a lack of color" - death cab for cutie
8.) "enjoy your worries, you may never have them again" - the books
9.) "subsong" - jel
10.) "tatou" - brand new
11.) "romeo" - juliette lewis and the licks
12.) "i am always the one who calls" - pedro the lion
13.) "flume" - bon iver
14.) "gone away from me" - ray lamontagne
15.) "mare mortis" - the appleseed cast
16.) "linger" - the cranberries
17.) "white shadows" - coldplay
18.) "manhattan" - kings of leon
Thursday, December 30, 2010
and she and she is out at sea

she's out at sea again...
since she's left i've ended every day realizing i've slipped something on or into my pocket that was hers or has been hers... you know how best friends do these things. there's borrowed things and traded things and things that are pocketed or swept up or drunkenly exchanged. more absentmindedly than intentionally, i've been carrying something of hers around with me. it's silly. it's sweet. it's something.
(it happens sometimes when my sister leaves, too.)
this is one of my favorite shirts i've swapped with her, and everyone always comments on the hole in the back. i've no idea how it got there but i've no intention of sewing it up... i love it the way it is (not unlike how i love her unconditionally). i usually hear "well, you should sew it up, otherwise it doesn't look nice."
nice for whom? it looks damn near perfect to me in its imperfect state: perfectly worn in, nice color, good neckline, not too tight, much nicer than a stiff, starched, ballet pink, skin-tight scoop-necked something or other.
i don't know.
i guess i just think a hole in a shirt is the least of my worries at this point.
i love the shirt the way it came to me: from my best friend.
the end of the year is approaching.
more later i suppose...
Monday, December 27, 2010
works in progress
over and over again
he used to play this one cd some girl gave him.
i haven't been writing, just painting and playing the guitar a whole damn lot.
he used to play it on long car rides, usually home, sometimes to twin peaks, but always on long car rides. there was one song he played over and over and over again on repeat, and i always thought it was one of the saddest songs i'd ever heard... one of those ones that made your heart quiver a little. i think i asked once who it was by, but he never knew.
i came across it today on my computer though.
i've had the biggest writer's block.
but i came across the song on my computer, i'd lifted it off a friend's computer two years ago when we were all crashing in my apartment when i used to live in the big, emerald city. i'd fallen in love with the way the music sounded like it was raining, like it's always raining in seattle.
i miss the seattle days more.
the irony is in the title of the song: "enjoy your worries, you may never have them again" by the books off their album "thought for food".
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
"don't forget me"
"try not to forget me, okay," he said. how could i? i remember most of my classmates names from third and fourth grade, and could probably remember half of them from kindergarden if i gave it a good shot. besides, he'd worked pretty hard to argue against the professor the entire quarter while i'd basically done the opposite and tried to understand exactly where the professor was coming from. we were polar opposites, that much had been made clear over the quarter... then again...
"it sucks i'm leaving the day we finally meet, doesn't it?"
well. we'd actually met three months prior, but we'd only just had six hours worth of conversation to make up for lost time. i'd given up looking for anything, and for some reason as soon as i'd let go, all the worthwhile things were falling into my visual realm of.... whatever you want to call it. of course. as soon as i'd thought i had no more heart to give, i realized it had only been kept armored inside a steel dinosaur trap...
that would probably not open for a long time.
or a long while.
i watched the teens last night.
the ones i can't help but return to every weekend.
if my heart was left anywhere, it was somewhere between the south narthex and the cafeteria. i watched them all at once: the flirting, the giggling, the chasing, the awkward conversations, the hand-holding, the hugging... all that fun stuff. i remembered when a high-school break up was the absolute most devastating thing in the entire world. i remembered when everything was absolute. that's what i like about going back to volunteer with them: they remind me that things don't have to be so grey and wishy-washy. things can be defined if i let them be what they are.
more later i guess.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
take me there
it was a long night of everything at once.

the greatest christmas party we'd ever had kept happening, and then just as suddenly (though not soon at all, for it had had a good eight hour run), everything began to slow down but it never really stopped.
he woke up a few hours later in a panic, and i wasn't really sure if i'd ever really fallen asleep to begin with. she'd just fallen asleep, and was far enough away from me that i wasn't sure what to do.
you know.... how you can always think a little clearer when your best friend's closer to you.
he told me he'd had a nightmare of the world ending and buildings burning, and all the three months of talking about philosophy had me wondering if i had anything to do with it. how hypersensitive are we, anyway? where'd our senses go? was i just over-thinking everything? i was too tired to continue wondering if anything meant anything at all, and i still wasn't sure if i had fallen asleep anyway, so i did what any good friend would do and i patted his forehead and told him it was going to be okay.
and then i wished she was awake, too, so that maybe she could pat my forehead and tell me everything was going to be okay as well. but she was asleep, and the night always brings more fears and doubts than it ought to.
and then i thought of all the places i wanted to go.
not just the following day, not even in a few weeks.
all of a sudden i wanted to stand up and run and go to all the places i'd captured in my heart, but then i wondered if i even had one at all, or maybe if i'd given it away one too many times and was left with absolutely nothing.
do i have to build myself a new heart?
i was thinking too much.
maybe i still am.
all i knew was that i wanted to run somewhere right the hell then. i sat up and saw the moonlight peeking through the blinds: all the city was asleep.
maybe the city won't take me back, but everywhere else will welcome me:
woke up and drove
i woke up and started driving this morning... not really sure where i was going, but i left with the absolute certainty that i would find something different and somewhere new to study if i drove somewhere else... somewhere not where i usually land. not seattle. not federal way. not.... anywhere specific. i played cortez the killer, called my other half, and then took the first exit and stopped at the first coffee shop i found. i decided that wherever i landed would be the start of something else. new? i don't know. everything is new now.
life probably isn't made up of signs as much as it is lovely coincidences, but i figure... if i can just put the pieces together myself and make my own signs and meanings, it'll work out itself.
so i named this cafe my new hangout.
here's to writing papers.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
it snowed, it rained, and soon... and then...
....and then there was music.
the sun is out.
1) "naomi" - neutral milk hotel
2) "a fond farewell" - elliott smith
3) "naked as we came" - iron and wine
4) "hallelujah" - jeff buckley
5) "pamphleteer" - the weakerthans
6) "etienne d'aout" - malajube
7) "i can't take this" - tegan and sara
8) "autumn sweater" - yo la tengo
9) "hoppipolla" - sigur ros
10) "empty" - ray lamontagne
11) "maple leaves" - jens lekman
12) "the orchids" - califone
13) "half dead" - the mountain goats
14) "postcards from italy" - beirut
15) "two zero two" - northstar
16) "barfly" - ray lamontagne
17) "time of no reply" - nick drake
18) "conversations" - the posies
19) "the summer ends" - american football
20) "rebbelions (lies)" - the arcade fire
21) "skinny boy" - amy milian
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
as a side note:
the last 14 hours have been a waste of time
because of all this crap that post secrets has so wonderfully put into postcard-form:

anyway. i've been working on getting ahold of this loan for about a month now, and i'm about an hour away from having all the right things come together so i can get ahold of it.
and then get away.
none of this news is incredibly important.
i've lost track of time. i've lost track of everything. i spent the entire morning in tears for some bullshit i can't seem to wrap my mind around. how long does someone tell lies for to make themselves feel better about themselves? about what they don't want but think they need? does it only last until they realize they've deceived everyone else as well? i've never gone away from trusting my gut so much.
my heart aches.
but according to pinker, i don't have one at all.
and nietzche?
i just need to use this bs waste of time to be stronger.
my brain is tired.
my heart aches.
and i wonder.
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