Thursday, September 15, 2011

thoughts on images, part one

rarely will i post photos of myself on my blog. i thought i could do a photo a day as i went through my (ridiculously large) collection of band tees, but i got bored with writing about that so i dropped it (but still went through a month or two wearing a different band tee every day). i think i thought that if i was tracking my physical progress through something, it would make my own means of tracking my internal growth more tangible. this, of course, isn't how things work, and i came back to the realization that my image and my thoughts are entirely separate vehicles of expression.
when i think more about it, i guess i feel like seeing my face will somehow distract or influence what i write, and whether that's positive or negative, i'd like to steer clear from that. i like the way words sound and look and feel when you say them and read them. i like the way words paint their own pictures when you don't have any pictures to base them off of. i like the thought that someone is out there reading this in their own voice and trying to figure out the tone to read each word and which ones to emphasize, and perhaps even what sort of facial expressions come along with each idea. you don't need to see a picture of me to do any of this, and perhaps if you had one, your own thoughts wouldn't be able to stir properly.
everything seem to be accompanied by an image as well. think of everything you buy, think of how the new york times seem so much more captivating with a lovely photo.

words alone begin to be terrifying when you're left to deal with them yourself.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

the board game.

let's play a game called "pull yourself together and pretend everything's fucking fantastic even though you're having the shit chewed out of you every other night." we'll make the rules simple, dress yourself up in every goddamn outfit that makes you look fucking fantastic everyday, and ten extra points if you throw on a pair of heels and get your make up perfect. you win if you've pulled a fast one on everyone and nail this.
let's play a game called "one cup half empty" where you pretend it's half full the whole damn time. let's make up rules and number them one through six and have them go as followed:
let's wrap it up in a lovely package and sell it as something beautiful, and let everyone know that the beautiful thing about mastering this game is that even in your worst, you can manage to pull yourself together when everyone else needs you more. let's say this game lasts about a month or so. let's say you can't play with friends, they couldn't catch on. when they say "too much" and "attention" right after one another, you pass. you could try and explain the rules, but if they want to be best friends AND shoot you down when you explain what's going on, is it worth it?
let's cut the bullshit and get to the point:
conflicts that drag on for over a few months blow.
stress and conflict that manage to maintain themselves for nine months and more are exhausting and heavy on the heart.
sometimes i can't handle it all on my own.
sometimes i just need to be around people/places/things that aren't weighed down to heavily by all of this, and i'm starting to think that's too much to depend on.

so i'll just do everything by my goddamn self.

today i realized if i can foresee and ending point, this doesn't all feel so weighty and morose, and perhaps if i pretends it's a game i have to feign my optimism though, then maybe i can make it out okay.

so everything's fucking fantastic.
and if it's not, it has to be... it just does.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

one two three four

could've been better focused
(it's a metaphor, fool).

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Friday, September 2, 2011

Nietzsche, I am in love (with your words)

"What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: 'This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more' ... Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: 'You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.' "