Wednesday, November 30, 2011

some things make me want to punch you in the face
other things make me realize i'm a better person
sometimes, these two things are actually the same thing.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

he wrote

to me about michelangelo. the loveliest things would slip from his mind onto the keyboard, onto paper, onto the pavement. anywhere. he was like a bit of energy that would leave a glowing trail of himself everywhere he went. he would glow everywhere he went, but it wasn't the sort of lightness you could recognize. you had to look for it. you had to really see him. he was an unconventional bit, radiating unbeknownst to himself. beautiful things are like that: unaware of how wonderful they are. and that's how he was, unconventionally everything and unaware.

and he wrote to me about michelangelo, but not how we were similar, but rather how he connected both myself and the artist. i wanted to keep every moment in a jar. the whole time was like trying to keep sand from falling between my fingers, but being too drawn to the faintest of sparkling it made when it moved from my hands back to the ground. he was like the sand itself, i guess. he belonged everywhere.

Monday, November 7, 2011

( __________ )

first thought
can i just drink this straight?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

walk me to barcelona
in autumn
when the weather proves to be too cool for one
and too lonely to stroll alone.
walk me somewhere near spain
and soon
and maybe then
i can find my way across the ocean.
come quickly,
walk me till my knees are weak from
dragging this weary soul across the shore.
walk me till i have no question
of who you are and who i am not.
walk me till we see the trees
and the seas are waving lovely goodbyes.
walk me till we never say goodbye
and then...
whisper me silent love songs
when our feet are too tired to carry on.
when we near where we are going,
tell me you love me.
read me every book you've read,
we'll part the reeds and find out way
and then
sing me the rest of the way
to spain.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

this isn't working

i thought
if i worked really hard at something
and did really well
i would leave feeling really good about it
and myself
and everything.

but i go to work every day
and i work my ass off
and i do really well
and everyone tells me i'm doing well
but i don't leave feeling like i've accomplished anything.

this work isn't working.
when am i going to figure out how to make this all feel worthwhile?